God I hate aspic!
<< June 05, 2002 >>

Another day at "school". Someone kill me! I hate waking up at 6 AM just to get to 7 AM class. Chef Rechs's always late anyway. So I made a fruit terrine yesterday. Basically it's fruit suspended in aspic, a gelatin made of "tasty broth" (the other garde manger chef, chef Leo wrote that in our syllabus). It got water logged and didn't set. SO, I started over again. The aspic I made, I THOUGHT I had enough orange aroma in but NOPE! And Chef made me make it over again with an apple juice aspic. I stole the apple juice from the idiot kitchen crew next door that can't cook worth shit. Three's a charm. I got it right the last time. But hell! It was time consuming!

I also ended up doing the salad line today for the luch time crew in the Careme Room. I dislike it when someone orders a salad with dressing on the side. That means one of us has to run for some form of container. Of course, this moron in my class, Daniel P. thinks he's God's gift to the kitchen tells me and my partner, Ryan, that our salad sizes are not the same and that people will complain. Also, that in a "real restaurant setting" this would be unacceptable. Great, thanks for the advice, moron. I KNOW how to dole out salads just fine, Mr.-I'll-be-a Sous-Chef-forever.

And Chris H. did it again. He was like, "can you come over today?" Puppy eyes me and waits for my answer.

"I've got something a three today", I replied.

"Oh! Come on! When am I going to get you?"

"Call my secretary. I'm a busy women. Make an appointment."

Later on, Chris asks me when I'll get out. I ignored him and pretended to be intensely busy fashioning a goat out of salt dough (kind of like play-doh).

So, I am home now. Ready to go to my 3 PM engagement.

And the goat turned out pretty damn good!

Ahhh! The students the CCA wants us to be. Right...

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